Test your English Speaking Part One

Test your English Speaking Part One

Q1. What is your name?
Q2. What is your nickname?
Q3. Where do you live?
Q4. How far is it from here?
Q5. What is your father's name?
Q6. What does he do?
Q7. What is your mother's name?
Q8. What does she do?
Q9. What are your hobbies?
Q10. What are your qualifications?
Q11. What is your aim of life?
Q12. What is your current profession or career path?
Q13. What are you doing nowadays?
Q14. What is your favourite festival?
Q15. What is your favourite food?
Q16. Do you enjoy reading books?
Q17. What is your favourite movie?
Q18 Do you like to watch movies at home or in the cinema?
Q19. What is your favourite tourist place?
Q20. What is your favourite TV show?
Q21. What is your favourite season?
Q22. What is your favorite type of cuisine?
Q23. Do you like sweet and salty?
Q24. What is your favorite outfit?
Q25. What is your favorite beverage?
Q26. Which is your favorite ice-cream flavor?
Q27. Which fruits do you like the most?
Q28. Do you prefer hotel and home-made food?
Q29. What do you like, government jobs or private jobs?
Q30. What do you favor, love marriage or arranged marriage?
Q31. What do you favor, rural life or urban life?
Q32. Which is your favorite city?
Q33. How many days are there in a week?
Q34. Which are they?
Q35. Which is the last working day?
Q36. Which days are holidays?
Q37. What are gazetted holidays?
Q38. Can you tell any three gazetted holidays?
Q39. What comes after Wednesday?
Q40. What comes before Wednesday?
Q41. On which day, we worship Lord Hanuman?
Q42. On which day, we worship Lord Vishnu?
Q43. On which day, we worship Lord Shani?
Q44. Which is your favorite day?
Q45. How many days are there in the calendar year?
Q46. Which are they?
Q47. Which is the first month of a year?
Q48. How many days are there in January and December?
Q49. How many days are there in February and November?
Q50. In which month, do we celebrate Independence Day?
Q51. In which month, do we celebrate Gandhi Jayanti?
Q52. In which month, do we celebrate Children's Day?
Q53. What comes before September?
Q54. Which is your favorite month and why?
Q55: What is the capital city of India?
Q56: What is the official language of India?
Q57: What is the population of India?
Q58: Who is the current Prime Minister of India?
Q59: What is the national bird of India?
Q60: What is the national game of India?
Q61: What is the longest river in India?
Q62: What is the largest city in India by population?
Q63: What is the major festival celebrated in India?
Q64: What is the major sport played in India?
Q65: What is the name of the Indian intelligence agency?
Q66: What is the name of the Indian film industry?
Q67: What is the name of the famous Indian landmark in Agra?
Q68: What is the national tree of India?
Q69: Who was the first President of India?
Q70: What is the name of the largest state in India by area?
Q71: What is the name of the highest civilian award in India?
Q72: What is the name of the Indian national anthem?
Q73: What is the name of the Indian national song?
Q74: What is the name of the Indian national flag?
Q75: Can you tell 5 metro cities of India?
Q76: Can you tell any five freedom fighters of India?
Q77: What is the main occupation of India?
Q78: Can you tell any three neighboring countries of India?
Q79: Do you like India and Why?
Q80. What is friendship?
Q81. What are some characteristics of a good friend?
Q82. How important is friendship in our lives?
Q83. How can we maintain a healthy friendship?
Q84. Can friendships last forever?
Q85. Is it important to have friends from different backgrounds and cultures?
Q86. How do you know if someone is a true friend?
Q87. What are some common issues that can arise in friendships?
Q88. How do you resolve conflicts in a friendship?
Q89. How do you end a toxic friendship?
Q90. What is the impact of social media on friendships?
Q91. Can long-distance friendships work?
Q92. How do you support a friend who is going through a tough time?
Q93. What are the qualities of a good friend?
Q94. How do you support a friend in a difficult situation?
Q95. What is the role of loyalty in a friendship?