List of Phrasal Verbs in Hindi with Example
Phrasal verbs अंग्रेजी भाषा में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती हैं, जो हमारी बातचीत में गहराई और सूक्ष्मता जोड़ती हैं। इनमें एक या अधिक prepositions या adverbs के साथ मिलकर एक क्रिया शामिल होती है, जिससे अद्वितीय अर्थ बनते हैं जो अक्सर original verb से भिन्न होते हैं। Phrasal verbs को सीखना और उनमें महारत हासिल करना अंग्रेजी में आपके communication and language skills को काफी बढ़ा सकता है, जिससे आप खुद को अधिक प्रभावी ढंग से व्यक्त कर सकते हैं। इस article में, हम Phrasal verbs के महत्व, उनकी संरचना, सामान्य प्रकारों का पता लगाएंगे और आपको उनका उपयोग करने में कुशल बनने में मदद करेंगे।
The Significance of Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal verbs अंग्रेजी भाषा का एक अभिन्न अंग हैं और अनौपचारिक और औपचारिक दोनों संदर्भों में व्यापक रूप से उपयोग की जाती हैं। वे हमारी अभिव्यक्ति में बहुमुखी प्रतिभा और समृद्धि जोड़कर प्राकृतिक और प्रामाणिक संचार में योगदान करते हैं। रोज़मर्रा की बातचीत को समझने के लिए Phrasal verbs को सीखना आवश्यक है, क्योंकि वे बोली जाने वाली अंग्रेजी, साहित्य, फिल्मों और गीतों में प्रचलित हैं। इसके अलावा, phrasal verbs में महारत हासिल करने से गैर-देशी speaker को अधिक fluency और देशी-जैसी ध्वनि बोलने की अनुमति मिलती है, जिससे उनका आत्मविश्वास और सार्थक बातचीत में शामिल होने की क्षमता बढ़ती है।
Structure of Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs किसी verbs को preposition या adverb के साथ जोड़कर बनाई जाती हैं, जिससे एक नया अर्थ बनता है जो original verb के अर्थ से भिन्न हो सकता है। उदाहरण के लिए, verb "look" preposition "up" के साथ मिलकर phrasal verb "look up," बनाती है, जिसका अर्थ है जानकारी खोजना। phrasal verb अलग की जा सकती हैं, जहां object को verb और particle के बीच रखा जा सकता है, या अविभाज्य, जहां verb और particle को अलग नहीं किया जा सकता है। phrasal verbs का सही ढंग से उपयोग करने के लिए संरचना को समझना महत्वपूर्ण है।
Types of Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs को उनके अर्थ और उपयोग के आधार पर कई प्रकारों में वर्गीकृत किया जा सकता है। कुछ सामान्य प्रकारों में शामिल हैं:
1. Transitive phrasal verbs: इन verbs के लिए direct object की आवश्यकता होती है। उदाहरण के लिए, "turn off the lights."
2. Intransitive phrasal verbs: इन verbs के लिए किसी प्रत्यक्ष वस्तु की आवश्यकता नहीं होती है। उदाहरण के लिए, "break down" या "run away."
3. Phrasal verbs with a literal meaning: इन Verbs का एक स्पष्ट और सीधा अर्थ होता है जो इस्तेमाल किए गए व्यक्तिगत शब्दों से संबंधित होता है। उदाहरण के लिए, "take off" का अर्थ है किसी चीज़ को हटाना।
4. Phrasal verbs with an idiomatic meaning: इन verbs का एक figurative या idiomatic अर्थ होता है जो व्यक्तिगत शब्दों से स्पष्ट नहीं हो सकता है। उदाहरण के लिए, "break up" का अर्थ किसी रिश्ते को ख़त्म करना है। इन प्रकारों को समझने से विभिन्न संदर्भों में phrasal verbs को उचित रूप से पहचानने और उपयोग करने में मदद मिलती है।
List of Phrasal Verbs
1. Act on:
- Meaning: To take action based on something or to follow through with a decision or information. - किसी बात के आधार पर कार्रवाई करना या किसी निर्णय या जानकारी पर अमल करना।
- Example: The manager acted on the customer's complaint immediately and resolved the issue.
2. Act out:
- Meaning: To express emotions or feelings through behavior or actions. - व्यवहार या कार्यों के माध्यम से भावनाओं को व्यक्त करना।
- Example: The child was acting out because he didn't want to go to bed.
3. Act up:
- Meaning: To misbehave or malfunction. - दुर्व्यवहार या खराबी करना।
- Example: My computer has been acting up all day; I think it needs to be repaired.
4. Add on:
- Meaning: To include an extra item or component. - एक अतिरिक्त वस्तु या घटक शामिल करना।
- Example: We decided to add on an extra bedroom to our house for guests.
5. Add up:
- Meaning: To calculate or make sense. - हिसाब लगाना या अर्थ निकालना।
- Example: I added up all the expenses, and it turns out we spent more than we budgeted for.
6. Allow of:
- Meaning: To permit or make possible. - अनुमति देना या संभव बनाना।
- Example: The flexible schedule allows for a better work-life balance.
7. Ask about:
- Meaning: To inquire or seek information regarding someone or something. - किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के संबंध में पूछताछ करना या जानकारी प्राप्त करना।
- Example: I bumped into Jane at the party and asked about her recent trip to Europe.
8. Ask after:
- Meaning: To inquire about someone's well-being or health. - किसी का हालचाल या स्वास्थ्य के बारे में पूछना।
- Example: Sarah called and asked after your mother, wondering how she's doing.
9. Ask for:
- Meaning: To request or demand something. - किसी चीज की याचना करना या मांगना।
- Example: "I'm going to ask for a raise at work."
10. Ask in:
- Meaning: To invite someone to enter or come into a place. - किसी को किसी स्थान में प्रवेश करने या आने के लिए आमंत्रित करना।
- Example: "She asked me in for a cup of tea."
11. Ask over:
- Meaning: To invite someone to one's home. - किसी को अपने घर बुलाना।
- Example: "We asked our neighbors over for dinner."
12. Ask round:
- Meaning: To invite someone to come to one's house or a particular place. - किसी को अपने घर या किसी विशेष स्थान पर आने का निमंत्रण देना।
- Example: "I'm going to ask some friends round to watch a movie."
13. Back out:
- Meaning: To withdraw or retract a commitment or agreement. - किसी प्रतिबद्धता या समझौते को वापस लेना या वापस लेना।
- Example: "He backed out of the business deal at the last moment."
14. Back up:
- Meaning 1: To support or defend someone or something. - किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु का समर्थन या बचाव करना।
- Example: "I will back you up in the meeting."
- Meaning 2: To create a copy or backup of data or files. - डेटा या फ़ाइलों की प्रतिलिपि या बैकअप बनाना।
- Example: "Make sure to back up your important documents regularly."
- Meaning 3: To reverse or move a vehicle in a backward direction. - किसी वाहन को उलटना या उल्टी दिशा में ले जाना।
- Example: "He had to back up the car to get out of the narrow alley."
15. Bail up:
- Meaning: To confront or accost someone in a threatening manner. - धमकी भरे अंदाज में किसी का सामना करना या उस पर आरोप लगाना।
- Example: "The robber bailed up the bank employees and demanded money."
16. Bang on:
- Meaning: To be exactly right or accurate. - एकदम सही या सटीक होना।
- Example: "She predicted the winner of the game before it started, and she was bang on!"
17. Bank on:
- 1. Meaning: To rely or depend on someone or something. - किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु पर भरोसा करना या उस पर निर्भर रहना।
- 2. Example: "I'm banking on my friend to help me move this weekend."
18. Barge in:
- Meaning: To enter a room or a conversation abruptly or rudely without being invited or welcomed. - बिना बुलाए या स्वागत किए किसी कमरे या बातचीत में अचानक या अशिष्टता से प्रवेश करना।
- Example: "He barged in on our meeting without knocking, and it was quite disruptive."
19. Bash up:
- 1. Meaning: To physically assault or attack someone or something. - किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु पर शारीरिक हमला या आक्रमण करना।
- 2. Example: "The angry mob bashed up the car after the driver accidentally hit a pedestrian."
20. Be after:
- Meaning: To pursue or seek something or someone. - किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति का पीछा करना या तलाश करना।
- Example: "She's been after a promotion for months, and she's finally got an interview."
21. Bear on:
- Meaning: To have a connection or relevance to something. - किसी चीज़ से संबंध या प्रासंगिकता होना।
- Example: "The evidence presented in court will bear on the outcome of the trial."
22. Bear out:
- Meaning: To confirm or support the truth or validity of something. - किसी बात की सत्यता या वैधता की पुष्टि या समर्थन करना।
- Example: "The witness's testimony bore out the defendant's alibi."
23. Bear with:
- Meaning: To have patience or endure a situation or person. - किसी स्थिति या व्यक्ति को धैर्य रखना या सहन करना।
- Example: "Please bear with me while I try to fix the technical issue with the computer."
24. Beat up:
- Meaning: To physically assault or harm someone. - किसी पर शारीरिक हमला करना या उसे नुकसान पहुंचाना।
- Example: "The gang beat up the poor man in the alley."
25. Belong to:
- Meaning: To be the property or possession of someone. - किसी की संपत्ति या कब्ज़ा होना।
- Example: "This book belongs to me. Please return it."
26. Belt up:
- Meaning: To fasten or secure a seatbelt, or to tell someone to be quiet. - सीट बेल्ट बांधना या सुरक्षित करना, या किसी को चुप रहने के लिए कहना।
- Example 1: "Make sure you belt up before we start driving."
- Example 2: "Belt up! I'm trying to concentrate."
27. Bitch up:
- Meaning 1: Spoil or ruin something - किसी चीज़ को बिगाड़ना या बर्बाद करना।
- Example: I BITCHED UP the interview - मैंने interview को रद्द कर दिया।
28. Black out:
- Meaning 1: To lose consciousness or to lose memory of a specific period of time. - चेतना खोना या किसी विशिष्ट अवधि की स्मृति खोना।
- Example 1: "The stress was overwhelming, and I blacked out for a moment."
- Example 2: "I had a few drinks and blacked out, so I can't remember what happened last night."
29. Blank out:
- Meaning: To forget or be unable to recall something. - किसी बात को भूल जाना या याद न रख पाना।
- Example 1: "During the exam, I completely blanked out and couldn't remember any of the answers."
- Example 2: "I'm sorry, but I blanked out on your name. Could you remind me?"
30. Bliss out:
- Meaning: to experience or enter a state of extreme happiness or relaxation. - अत्यधिक खुशी या विश्राम की स्थिति का अनुभव करना या उसमें प्रवेश करना।
- Example: After a long day at work, I like to put on some soothing music and bliss out on the couch.
31. Block out:
- Meaning: to prevent something from entering or reaching a particular area. - किसी चीज़ को किसी विशेष क्षेत्र में प्रवेश करने या पहुँचने से रोकना।
- Example: The curtains block out the sunlight and keep the room cool during the day.
32. Block up:
- Meaning: to obstruct or fill a passage, space, or opening. - किसी मार्ग, स्थान या उद्घाटन को बाधित करना या भरना।
- Example: The drain in the sink is blocked up, and the water isn't going down.
33. Blow away:
- Meaning: to impress or amaze someone greatly. - किसी को अत्यधिक प्रभावित या आश्चर्यचकित करना।
- Example: The concert last night blew me away. The band was incredible!
34. Blow down:
- Meaning: to knock over or cause something to fall by the force of the wind. - हवा के ज़ोर से किसी चीज़ को गिरा देना या गिरा देना।
- Example: The strong gusts of wind blew down several trees during the storm.
35. Blow in:
- Meaning: to arrive suddenly or unexpectedly. - अचानक या अप्रत्याशित रूप से आ जाना।
- Example: Mary's sister blew in unannounced and surprised us all.
36. Blow up:
- Meaning 1: to explode or cause to explode. - विस्फोट करना या विस्फोट कराना।
- Example: The terrorists attempted to blow up the building, but luckily the bomb was discovered in time.
- Meaning 2: to become very angry or lose control of one's emotions. - अत्यधिक क्रोधित हो जाना या अपनी भावनाओं पर नियंत्रण खो देना।
- Example: I made a small mistake, and my boss blew up at me in front of everyone.
37. Bog down:
- Meaning: To become stuck or slowed down in a difficult or complicated situation. - किसी कठिन या जटिल परिस्थिति में फँस जाना या धीमा हो जाना।
- Example: The negotiations bogged down due to disagreements over the terms of the contract.
38. Boil over:
- Meaning: To become very angry or lose control of one's emotions. - अत्यधिक क्रोधित हो जाना या अपनी भावनाओं पर नियंत्रण खो देना।
- Example: Sarah was so frustrated with her colleague's behavior that she eventually boiled over and yelled at him in front of everyone.
39. Book into:
- Meaning: To make a reservation or check into a hotel, guesthouse, or similar accommodation. - आरक्षण करना या किसी होटल, गेस्टहाउस या इसी तरह के आवास में चेक इन करना।
- Example: We decided to book into a cozy bed and breakfast for our weekend getaway.
40. Book up:
- Meaning: To make a reservation or secure an appointment for something, such as a hotel, restaurant, or service. - किसी होटल, रेस्तरां या सेवा जैसी किसी चीज़ के लिए आरक्षण करना या अपॉइंटमेंट सुरक्षित करना।
- Example: The popular restaurant is always fully booked up on weekends, so make sure to make a reservation in advance.
41. Bottle up:
- Meaning: To suppress or keep one's emotions or feelings hidden. - किसी की भावनाओं या संवेदनाओं को दबाना या छिपाकर रखना।
- Example: It's not healthy to bottle up your anger; you should find a way to express it in a constructive manner.
42. Bounce into:
- Meaning: To enter or arrive at a place with energy or enthusiasm. - ऊर्जा या उत्साह के साथ किसी स्थान में प्रवेश करना या पहुंचना।
- Example: Mark bounced into the room, full of excitement, and announced his engagement to everyone.
43. Break away:
- Meaning: To escape or separate oneself from a group, organization, or situation. - किसी समूह, संगठन या स्थिति से खुद को अलग कर लेना या अलग कर लेना।
- Example: The rebel soldiers managed to break away from the enemy's custody and fled into the forest.
44. Break down:
- Meaning: 1. To stop functioning or cease to work correctly. - कार्य करना बंद कर देना या सही ढंग से कार्य करना बंद कर देना।
- Example: My car broke down on the highway, and I had to call a tow truck.
- Meaning 2. To lose control of one's emotions and start crying or becoming upset. - अपनी भावनाओं पर नियंत्रण खो देना और रोना या परेशान होना शुरू कर देना।
- Example: She couldn't handle the stress anymore and broke down in tears during the meeting.
45. Break in:
- Meaning: 1. To forcefully enter a building or premises, often with the intent of committing a crime. - अक्सर अपराध करने के इरादे से किसी इमारत या परिसर में जबरदस्ती घुसना।
- Example: The burglars tried to break in through the back door but were scared off by the alarm system.
- Meaning: 2 To wear or use something new until it becomes more comfortable or familiar. - किसी नई चीज़ को तब तक पहनना या उपयोग करना जब तक वह अधिक आरामदायक या परिचित न हो जाए।
- Example: These shoes are quite stiff; I need to break them in before they'll be comfortable to walk in.
46. Break off:
- Meaning: To end abruptly or detach something. - अचानक समाप्त हो जाना या किसी चीज़ को अलग कर देना।
- Example: They had an argument and decided to break off their engagement.
47. Break out:
- Meaning: To escape or start suddenly, usually referring to a negative event. - भाग जाना या अचानक शुरू हो जाना, आमतौर पर किसी नकारात्मक घटना की ओर इशारा करता है।
- Example: The prisoners managed to break out of the jail during the chaos.
48. Break through:
- Meaning: To overcome a barrier or obstacle. - किसी बाधा या बाधा पर विजय पाना।
- Example: After hours of hard work, they finally managed to break through the language barrier and communicate effectively.
49. Break out of:
- Meaning: To escape from a place or situation. - किसी स्थान या परिस्थिति से भागना।
- Example: The hiker had to break out of the dense forest to find his way back to the trail.
50. Break up:
- Meaning: To end a relationship or a gathering. - किसी रिश्ते या महफ़िल को ख़त्म करना.
- Example: They decided to break up after being together for five years.
51. Breeze along:
- Meaning: To move or progress easily and without difficulty. - आसानी से और बिना किसी कठिनाई के आगे बढ़ना या आगे बढ़ना।
- Example: She breezed along the highway, enjoying the scenic drive.
52. Breeze into:
- Meaning: To enter a place effortlessly and confidently. - सहजता और आत्मविश्वास से किसी स्थान में प्रवेश करना।
- Example: He breezed into the meeting room and immediately took control of the situation.
53. Bring about:
- Meaning: To cause or make something happen. - कुछ घटित करना।
- Example: The new policies brought about positive changes in the company's performance.
54. Bring around:
- Meaning: To convince someone or change their opinion or attitude. - किसी को समझाना या उनकी राय या रवैया बदलना।
- Example: After a long discussion, I managed to bring my parents around to supporting my decision to study abroad.
55. Bring in:
- Meaning 1: To introduce or invite someone or something into a particular situation or group. - किसी विशेष स्थिति या समूह में किसी व्यक्ति या चीज़ का परिचय देना या आमंत्रित करना।
- Example: The company decided to bring in a new consultant to help improve their marketing strategy.
- Meaning 2: To earn or generate income. - आय अर्जित करना या उत्पन्न करना।
- Example: The new product launch brought in a significant amount of revenue for the company.
56. Bring on:
- Meaning: To cause or provoke something to happen. - किसी कार्य को घटित करना या उकसाना।
- Example: Eating too much spicy food can bring on heartburn.
57. Bring out:
- Meaning 1: To release or make something available to the public. - जनता के लिए कुछ जारी करना या उपलब्ध कराना।
- Example: The author plans to bring out a new book next month.
- Meaning 2: To encourage or evoke a particular quality or behavior in someone. - किसी में किसी विशेष गुण या व्यवहार को प्रोत्साहित करना या जागृत करना।
- Example: The motivational speaker brought out the confidence in the audience.
58. Bring up:
- Meaning 1: To raise or mention a topic in a conversation or discussion. - बातचीत या चर्चा में किसी विषय को उठाना या उल्लेख करना।
- Example: She brought up the issue of climate change during the meeting.
- Meaning 2: To raise or care for a child until they reach adulthood. - बच्चे के वयस्क होने तक उसका पालन-पोषण या देखभाल करना।
- Example: My grandparents brought me up after my parents passed away.
59. Bug out:
- Meaning: To leave a place quickly or abruptly, often due to fear or discomfort. - अक्सर डर या परेशानी के कारण किसी स्थान को जल्दी या अचानक छोड़ देना।
- Example: When the storm started to intensify, we decided to bug out and seek shelter.
60. Build up:
- Meaning 1: To increase or strengthen gradually. - धीरे-धीरे बढ़ाना या मजबूत करना।
- Example: Regular exercise helps build up endurance and stamina.
- Meaning 2: To accumulate or amass something. - किसी वस्तु का संचय या संग्रह करना।
- Example: Over the years, she managed to build up a substantial art collection.
61. Butter up:
- Meaning: To flatter or praise someone excessively to gain favor or advantage. - उपकार या लाभ पाने के लिए किसी की अत्यधिक चापलूसी या प्रशंसा करना।
- Example: The employee buttered up the boss by complimenting her work to secure a promotion.
62. Call back:
- Meaning: To return a phone call or to request someone to return to a place. - किसी फ़ोन कॉल का उत्तर देना या किसी को किसी स्थान पर वापस लौटने का अनुरोध करना।
- Example: I missed Sarah's call, so I need to call her back and find out what she wanted.
63. Call for:
- Meaning 1 : To require or demand something. - किसी चीज़ की आवश्यकता या माँग करना।
- Meaning 2: To go and collect someone or something. - जाकर किसी को या किसी चीज़ को इकट्ठा करना।
- Example 1: This situation calls for immediate action. We need to address it right away.
- Example 2: I'll call for you at 7 p.m. and we can go to the concert together.
64. Call in:
- Meaning: To request or summon someone to come, especially for assistance or consultation. - किसी को विशेष रूप से सहायता या परामर्श के लिए आने का अनुरोध करना या बुलाना।
- Example: The manager called in the IT specialist to fix the computer issue in the office.
65. Call on:
- Meaning: To visit someone, usually for a specific purpose or to request them to speak or participate. - किसी से मिलने जाना, आमतौर पर किसी विशिष्ट उद्देश्य के लिए या उनसे बोलने या भाग लेने का अनुरोध करना।
- Example 1: We should call on our neighbors to see if they need any help after the storm.
- Example 2: The teacher called on Sarah to answer the math problem on the board.
66. Calm down:
- Meaning: To become less agitated or anxious; to relax or become peaceful. - कम उत्तेजित या चिंतित होना; आराम करना या शांत होना।
- Example: Take deep breaths and try to calm down before giving your presentation.
67. Care for:
- Meaning: To look after or provide for someone's needs. - किसी की जरूरतों की देखभाल करना या उन्हें पूरा करना।
- Examples: My sister is caring for her sick grandmother at home.
68. Carry forward:
- Meaning: To continue or advance something from its current state or position. - किसी चीज़ को उसकी वर्तमान स्थिति या स्थिति से आगे बढ़ाना या आगे बढ़ाना।
- Example: The project has been going well, and we need to carry forward the momentum to meet the upcoming deadlines.
69. Carry on:
- Meaning: To continue doing something or to behave in a particular way. - किसी कार्य को करते रहना या किसी विशेष तरीके से व्यवहार करते रहना।
- Example: Despite facing several challenges, she decided to carry on with her studies.
70. Carry out:
- Meaning: To complete or fulfill a task, plan, or action. - किसी कार्य, योजना या कार्य को पूरा करना या पूरा करना।
- Example: The research team will carry out an experiment to test their hypothesis.
71. Cast round for:
- Meaning: To search or look for something or someone. - किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति को खोजना या ढूंढना।
- Example: We cast round for a suitable venue to host the conference.
72. Catch on:
- Meaning: To understand or grasp a concept or idea. - किसी अवधारणा या विचार को समझना या समझना।
- Example: It took a while for the new technology to catch on, but now everyone uses it.
73. Catch out:
- Meaning: To expose someone's mistakes or lies. - किसी की गलतियों या झूठ को उजागर करना।
- Example: The lawyer's clever questioning caught the witness out, revealing the inconsistencies in their testimony.
74. Catch up:
- Meaning: To reach the same level or position as someone or something by making progress or increasing speed. - प्रगति करके या गति बढ़ाकर किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के समान स्तर या स्थिति तक पहुँचना।
- Example: After being on vacation, she had to work hard to catch up with her colleagues.
75. Cater for:
- Meaning: To provide or supply what is needed or desired. - जो आवश्यक हो या वांछित हो उसे प्रदान करना या आपूर्ति करना।
- Example: The restaurant caters for various dietary requirements, offering gluten-free and vegan options.
76. Charge up:
- Meaning: To replenish or increase the energy or power of something. -किसी चीज़ की ऊर्जा या शक्ति को फिर से भरना या बढ़ाना।
- Example: I need to charge up my phone before we leave for the trip.
77. Chase up:
- Meaning: To follow up on something or someone in order to get information or achieve a result. - जानकारी प्राप्त करने या कोई परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति का अनुसरण करना।
- Example: I haven't received a response from the company, so I need to chase up on my job application.
78.Cheat on:
- Meaning: To be unfaithful to a partner by engaging in a romantic or sexual relationship with someone else. - किसी और के साथ रोमांटिक या यौन संबंध बनाकर अपने साथी के प्रति बेवफा होना।
- Example: It was devastating to discover that he had cheated on his wife.
79. Check in:
- Meaning: To arrive and register at a hotel, airport, or any other place where you need to provide your details. - किसी होटल, हवाई अड्डे या किसी अन्य स्थान पर पहुंचने और पंजीकरण करने के लिए जहां आपको अपना विवरण प्रदान करना होगा।
- Example: We need to check in at the hotel before 3 PM to secure our rooms.
80. Check out:
- Meaning: To leave a hotel, pay the bill, and return any keys or access cards. - होटल छोड़ना, बिल का भुगतान करना, और कोई चाबियाँ या एक्सेस कार्ड वापस करना।
- Example: We checked out of the hotel early in the morning to catch our flight.
81. Check over:
- Meaning: to examine or review something carefully or quickly. - किसी चीज़ की सावधानीपूर्वक या शीघ्रता से जाँच या समीक्षा करना।
- Example: Before submitting your essay, make sure to check it over for any spelling or grammar mistakes.
82. Chew over:
- Meaning: To think about something or discuss it thoroughly. - किसी बात के बारे में सोचना या उस पर गहन चर्चा करना।
- Example: Let's chew over the options before making a final decision.
83. Chew up:
- Meaning: To bite or tear something into small pieces, or to damage or destroy it. - किसी चीज को छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों में काटना या फाड़ना, या उसे नुकसान पहुंचाना या नष्ट करना।
- Example: My dog loves to chew up my shoes if I leave them lying around.
84. Chill out:
- Meaning: To relax or become calm. - आराम करना या शांत हो जाना।
- Example: After a long day at work, I like to chill out by watching my favorite TV show.
85. Chop up:
- Meaning: To cut something into smaller pieces. - किसी चीज़ को छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों में काटना।
- Example: The chef chopped up the vegetables before adding them to the stir-fry
86. Chow down:
- Meaning: To eat a large amount of food quickly and enthusiastically. - जल्दी-जल्दी और उत्साह से अधिक मात्रा में भोजन करना।
- Example: After the game, we all chowed down on pizza and fries.
87. Close out:
- Meaning: To complete or finalize something, often related to business or financial matters. - किसी चीज़ को पूरा करना या अंतिम रूप देना, जो अक्सर व्यावसायिक या वित्तीय मामलों से संबंधित होती है।
- Example: The accountant closed out the company's financial records for the year.
88. Close up:
- Meaning: To close or shut something, or to come to a close. - किसी चीज़ को बंद करना या बंद करना या बंद करना। उदाहरण 1: क्या आप कृपया खिड़कियाँ बंद कर सकते हैं? यह यहां ठंडा हो रहा है।
- Example 1: Can you please close up the windows? It's getting cold in here.
- Example 2: The meeting is about to close up, so let's wrap up the discussion.
89. Clown around:
- Meaning: To behave in a silly or playful manner. - मूर्खतापूर्ण या चंचल व्यवहार करना।
- Example: The kids were clowning around in the backyard, laughing and chasing each other.
90. Come down on:
- Menaing: To criticize or reprimand someone. - किसी की आलोचना करना या फटकारना।
- Example: The boss came down on the employee for repeatedly coming to work late.
91. Come from:
- Meaning: To originate or have one's place of origin in a particular location or source. - किसी विशेष स्थान या स्रोत में अपना उद्गम स्थान उत्पन्न करना या रखना।
- Example: Sarah comes from a small town in Texas. Explanation: This sentence indicates that Sarah's place of origin or hometown is a small town in Texas.
92. Come into:
- Meaning: To inherit or acquire something, especially through a will or legal process. - किसी चीज़ को विरासत में प्राप्त करना या प्राप्त करना, विशेष रूप से वसीयत या कानूनी प्रक्रिया के माध्यम से।
- Example: After his uncle passed away, John came into a large inheritance. Explanation: This sentence implies that John inherited a significant amount of money or property from his deceased uncle.
93. Cut back:
- Meaning: To reduce the amount, size, or extent of something. - किसी चीज़ की मात्रा, आकार या विस्तार को कम करना।
- Example: I need to cut back on my spending to save money for my vacation.
- Explanation: In this sentence, the person intends to decrease their expenses in order to save more money for their upcoming vacation.
94. Die for:
- Meaning: To have a strong desire or craving for something. - किसी चीज़ के लिए तीव्र इच्छा या लालसा होना।
- Example: "I would die for a slice of chocolate cake right now."
95. Dig out:
- Meaning: To find or uncover something by digging or searching. - खोदकर या खोजकर किसी चीज़ को खोजना या उजागर करना।
- Example: "I need to dig out my old photographs from the attic."
96. Dip into:
- Meaning: To take a small amount from a larger supply, often used in the context of money or resources. - बड़ी आपूर्ति से छोटी राशि लेना, अक्सर धन या संसाधनों के संदर्भ में उपयोग किया जाता है।
- Example: "I had to dip into my savings to pay for the unexpected car repairs."
97. Dive into:
- Meaning: To start doing something eagerly and with enthusiasm. - किसी काम को उत्सुकता और उत्साह के साथ करना शुरू करना।
- Example: "She couldn't wait to dive into her new book as soon as it arrived."
98. Do in:
- Meaning: To exhaust or wear out someone, or to cause someone's downfall. - किसी को थका देना या थका देना, या किसी के पतन का कारण बनना।
- Example: "The long hike did me in; I'm completely exhausted."
99. Do with:
- Meaning: To use or handle something in a particular way. - किसी चीज़ को किसी विशेष तरीके से उपयोग करना या संभालना।
- Example: "I could do with a cup of coffee right now to wake me up."
100. Drag on:
- Meaning: To continue for a longer time than expected, often in a tedious or boring manner. - अपेक्षा से अधिक समय तक जारी रखना, अक्सर थकाऊ या उबाऊ तरीके से।
- Example: "The meeting dragged on for hours, and everyone was eager to leave."
101. Draw back:
- Meaning: To move or step back, often due to fear, caution, or reluctance. - अक्सर डर, सावधानी या अनिच्छा के कारण हटना या पीछे हटना।
- Example: "As the dog growled, I quickly drew back my hand to avoid getting bitten."
102. Dream up:
- Meaning: To imagine or invent something, especially a creative idea or solution. - किसी चीज़ की कल्पना करना या आविष्कार करना, विशेष रूप से एक रचनात्मक विचार या समाधान।
- Example: Sarah dreamed up a brilliant plan to promote the new product.
103. Dress down:
- Meaning: To wear more casually or informally than usual. - सामान्य से अधिक आकस्मिक या अनौपचारिक रूप से पहनना।
- Example: We can dress down for the company picnic and wear jeans instead of formal attire.
104. Drink up:
- Meaning: To finish drinking all of something, usually quickly or completely. - किसी भी चीज़ को पूरा पीना, आमतौर पर जल्दी या पूरी तरह से ख़त्म करना।
- Example: The bartender shouted, "Last call! Drink up, folks!"
105. Drive out:
- Meaning: To force someone or something to leave a place. - किसी व्यक्ति या चीज़ को जगह छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर करना।
- Example: The police used tear gas to drive out the protesters from the building.
106. Drop around:
- Meaning: To visit someone briefly or casually, often without prior notice. - किसी से संक्षिप्त या यूं ही मुलाकात करना, अक्सर बिना किसी पूर्व सूचना के।
- Example: Why don't you drop around to my place tomorrow evening for a cup of coffee?
107. Drop in:
- Meaning: To visit someone casually and without prior arrangement. - आकस्मिक रूप से और पूर्व व्यवस्था के बिना किसी से मिलने जाना।
- Example: Feel free to drop in whenever you're in the neighborhood.
108. Drop out:
- Meaning: To quit or withdraw from a course, program, or activity. - किसी पाठ्यक्रम, कार्यक्रम या गतिविधि को छोड़ना या हटना।
- Example: John dropped out of college to pursue his entrepreneurial dreams.
109. Drop over:
- Meaning: To visit someone briefly and informally, often without prior notice. - किसी से संक्षिप्त और अनौपचारिक रूप से मिलना, अक्सर बिना किसी पूर्व सूचना के।
- Example: "I'm in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd drop over to see how you're doing."
110. Drown out:
- Meaning: To make a sound or noise so loud that it overpowers or covers up other sounds. - इतनी तेज़ ध्वनि या शोर पैदा करना कि वह अन्य ध्वनियों पर हावी हो जाए या उन्हें ढक दे।
- Example: "The loud music drowned out their conversation, and they couldn't hear each other anymore."
111. Drum into:
- Meaning: To repeat or emphasize something frequently or forcefully in order to make someone understand or remember it. - किसी को समझाने या याद रखने के लिए किसी बात को बार-बार या जबरदस्ती दोहराना या जोर देना।
- Example: "My parents always drummed into me the importance of hard work and dedication."
112. Dry up:
- Meaning 1: To lose the ability to speak or write, often due to nervousness or lack of inspiration. - अक्सर घबराहट या प्रेरणा की कमी के कारण बोलने या लिखने की क्षमता खो देना।
- Example: "When it was his turn to speak, he suddenly dried up and couldn't remember what he wanted to say."
- Meaning 2: To become depleted or exhausted. - क्षीण या थका हुआ होना।
- Example: "The Lake has been experiencing a drought, and the water levels are drying up."
113. Dump on:
- Meaning: (informal) To criticize, blame, or burden someone with problems or responsibilities unfairly or excessively. - गलत तरीके से या अत्यधिक किसी की आलोचना करना, दोष देना या समस्याओं या जिम्मेदारियों का बोझ डालना।
- Example: "He always dumps on me whenever something goes wrong, even if it's not my fault."
114. Ease off:
- Meaning: To become less intense, to reduce in severity or pressure. - कम तीव्र होना, तीव्रता या दबाव में कमी आना।
- Example: After working long hours, the boss told us to ease off and take a break.
115. Eat away:
- Meaning: To gradually erode, consume, or destroy something. - किसी चीज़ का धीरे-धीरे क्षरण करना, उपभोग करना या नष्ट करना।
- Example: The termites have been eating away at the wooden beams in the old house.
116. Eat out:
- Meaning: To have a meal at a restaurant instead of at home. - घर के बजाय रेस्तरां में भोजन करना।
- Example: Let's eat out tonight and try that new Italian restaurant downtown.
117. Edge out:
- Meaning: To gradually replace or surpass someone or something in a competitive situation. - प्रतिस्पर्धी स्थिति में किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को धीरे-धीरे प्रतिस्थापित करना या उससे आगे निकल जाना।
- Example: The new company's innovative product is edging out its competitors in the market.
118. Empty out:
- Meaning: To remove or take out all the contents from something. - किसी चीज़ से सारी सामग्री निकाल देना या निकाल लेना।
- Example: The students emptied out their lockers at the end of the school year.
119. End up:
- Meaning: to eventually reach or find oneself in a particular situation, often unexpectedly. - किसी विशेष स्थिति में पहुँचना या स्वयं को पाना, अक्सर अप्रत्याशित रूप से।
- Example: We got lost on the hike and ended up in a small village we'd never heard of before.
120. Eye up:
- Meaning: To look at someone or something in a way that suggests interest or attraction. - किसी को या किसी चीज़ को इस तरह से देखना जिससे रुचि या आकर्षण का पता चले।
- Example: As she entered the party, she noticed him eyeing her up from across the room.
121. Face off:
- Meaning: To confront or compete directly with someone. - किसी से सीधे भिड़ना या प्रतिस्पर्धा करना।
- Example: The two boxers faced off in the ring, ready for the championship match.
122. Faff about:
- Meaning: To waste time or engage in unproductive activities. - समय बर्बाद करना या अनुत्पादक गतिविधियों में संलग्न रहना।
- Example: Instead of studying for his exam, he spent the whole evening faffing about on social media.
123. Fall about:
- Meaning: To burst into laughter or find something extremely amusing. - ज़ोर से हँसना या कोई अत्यंत मनोरंजक चीज़ ढूँढ़ना।
- Example: The comedian's hilarious jokes made the audience fall about laughing.
124. Fall back:
- Meaning: To retreat or move away from a previous position or plan. - पिछली स्थिति या योजना से पीछे हटना या दूर जाना।
- Example: When the negotiations failed, they had to fall back and reconsider their strategy.
125. Fall down:
- Meaning: To stumble or lose one's balance and collapse. - लड़खड़ाना या अपना संतुलन खोकर गिर जाना।
- Example: She slipped on the icy pavement and fell down.
126. Fall for:
- Meaning: To be deceived or tricked by someone or something. - किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु द्वारा धोखा दिया जाना या धोखा दिया जाना।
- Example: He fell for the scam and lost a significant amount of money.
127. Fall in:
- Meaning 1: To collapse inward or cave in. - अंदर की ओर गिरना या धंस जाना।
- Example: The old building's roof started to leak, and eventually, the whole structure fell in.
- Meaning 2: To join or assemble in a military formation. - किसी सैन्य गठन में शामिल होना या इकट्ठा होना।
- Example: The soldiers fell in and lined up for their morning drill.
128. Fall through:
- Meaning: To fail to happen or be completed as planned. - योजना के अनुसार घटित न होना या पूरा न होना।
- Example: Their business deal fell through at the last moment due to disagreements over the terms.
129. Fasten onto:
- Meaning: To attach or fix something firmly onto something else. - किसी चीज़ को किसी दूसरी चीज़ पर मजबूती से लगाना या लगाना।
- Example: She fastened onto her backpack before heading out for a hike.
130. Feed off:
- Meaning: To benefit or gain strength from something. - किसी चीज़ से लाभ या शक्ति प्राप्त करना।
- Example: The artist fed off the positive energy of the crowd during his performance.
131. Feed on:
- Meaning: To consume or derive nourishment from something. - किसी चीज़ का उपभोग करना या उससे पोषण प्राप्त करना।
- Example: The lioness feeds on the wildebeest she hunted earlier.
132. Feel up: (informal)
- Meaning: to touch someone in a sexual or inappropriate manner without their consent. - किसी की सहमति के बिना उसे यौन या अनुचित तरीके से छूना।
- Example: The woman confronted the man who had felt her up on the crowded subway.
133. Fess up: (informal)
- Menaing: To admit or confess to something, usually when feeling guilty. - आमतौर पर दोषी महसूस होने पर किसी बात को स्वीकार करना या स्वीकार करना।
- Example: After being caught stealing, the teenager finally fessed up to his actions.
134. Fight back:
- Meaning: To resist or defend oneself against an attack or criticism. - किसी हमले या आलोचना का विरोध करना या अपना बचाव करना।
- Example: Despite the harsh criticism, the politician fought back by presenting strong arguments.
135. File for:
- Meaning: to submit a formal request or application for something, typically with a legal connotation. - किसी चीज़ के लिए औपचारिक अनुरोध या आवेदन प्रस्तुत करना, आमतौर पर कानूनी अर्थ के साथ।
- Example: The couple decided to file for divorce after years of unhappiness.
136. Fill out:
- Meaning: To complete or provide information on a form or document. - किसी प्रपत्र या दस्तावेज़ को पूरा करना या उस पर जानकारी प्रदान करना।
- Example: Please fill out this form with your personal details and contact information. I hope these examples help clarify the meanings of these phrasal verbs for you!
137. Finish off:
- Meaning: To complete or finish something, usually in a decisive or final manner. - किसी चीज़ को पूरा करना या समाप्त करना, आमतौर पर निर्णायक या अंतिम तरीके से।
- Example: "I need to finish off this report before the deadline."
138. Finish up:
- Meaning: To complete the final parts or stages of something. - किसी चीज़ के अंतिम भाग या चरण को पूरा करना।
- Example: "After the meeting, we will finish up the project and submit it."
139. Fire away:
- Meaning: To start asking questions or making comments. - प्रश्न पूछना या टिप्पणी करना शुरू करना।
- Example: "If you have any doubts, feel free to fire away."
140. Fit in:
- Meaning: To belong or be accepted in a particular group or environment. - किसी विशेष समूह या वातावरण में शामिल होना या स्वीकार किया जाना।
- Example: "It took some time, but she eventually managed to fit in with her new colleagues."
141. Fix up:
- Meaning: To repair, arrange, or prepare something. - किसी चीज़ की मरम्मत करना, व्यवस्थित करना या तैयार करना।
- Example: "We need to fix up the house before the guests arrive."
142. Flag up:
- Meaning: To draw attention to or highlight something important. - किसी महत्वपूर्ण चीज़ की ओर ध्यान आकर्षित करना या उजागर करना।
- Example: "The manager flagged up the issue during the team meeting."
143. Flare up:
- Meaning: To suddenly become more intense or worsen. - अचानक अधिक तीव्र हो जाना या बिगड़ जाना। उदाहरण: "दोनों पक्षों के बीच संघर्ष फिर से भड़क गया।"
- Example: "The conflict between the two parties flared up again."
144. Flip out:
- Meaning: To lose control emotionally, often in an extreme or irrational manner. - भावनात्मक रूप से नियंत्रण खोना, अक्सर अत्यधिक या तर्कहीन तरीके से।
- Example: "He flipped out when he found out his car had been towed."
145. Floor it:
- Meaning: To accelerate a vehicle to its maximum speed. - किसी वाहन को उसकी अधिकतम गति तक तेज़ करने के लिए।
- Example: John was running late for work, so he floored it and raced down the highway.
146. Fly at:
- Meaning: To attack or assault someone aggressively. - किसी पर आक्रामक तरीके से हमला करना या हमला करना।
- Example: The angry dog flew at the intruder, barking loudly and showing its teeth.
147. Focus on:
- Meaning: To concentrate or give attention to something specific. - किसी खास चीज पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना या ध्यान देना।
- Example: During the meeting, the manager asked everyone to focus on the main goals of the project.
148. Fool around:
- Meaning: To behave in a silly or playful manner, often wasting time or being unproductive. - मूर्खतापूर्ण या चंचल तरीके से व्यवहार करना, अक्सर समय बर्बाद करना या अनुत्पादक होना।
- Example: Instead of studying for the exam, Sarah and her friends decided to fool around and play video games.
149. Front out:
- Meaning: This is not a common phrasal verb, and its meaning is not clear. However, if you meant "freak out," it means to become extremely anxious, panicked, or upset. - यह कोई सामान्य वाक्यांश क्रिया नहीं है और इसका अर्थ स्पष्ट नहीं है। हालाँकि, यदि आपका मतलब "घबरा जाना" है, तो इसका अर्थ है अत्यधिक चिंतित, घबराया हुआ या परेशान हो जाना।
- Example: When she saw the spider in her room, she freaked out and started screaming.
150. Get after:
- Meaning: To pursue or chase someone or something. - किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु का पीछा करना या उसका पीछा करना।
- Example: The dog got after the squirrel and chased it up a tree.
151. Get ahead:
- Meaning: To make progress or succeed. - प्रगति करना या सफल होना।
- Example: By working hard and networking, she managed to get ahead in her career.
152. Get around:
- Meaning: To find a way to overcome a problem or obstacle. - किसी समस्या या बाधा को दूर करने का रास्ता खोजना।
- Example: We need to find a solution to get around the traffic congestion in the city.
153. Get away:
- Meaning: To escape or go on a vacation. - भाग जाना या छुट्टी पर चले जाना।
- Example: They decided to get away from the busy city and spend a weekend at the beach.
154. Get back:
- Meaning: To return to a place or recover something. - किसी स्थान पर लौटना या कुछ पुनः प्राप्त करना।
- Example: After a long trip, he finally got back home and reunited with his family.
155. Get down:
- Meaning: To feel sad or depressed. - दुखी या उदास महसूस करना
- Example: The bad news really got her down, and she needed some time to recover.
156. Get in:
- Meaning: To enter a place or vehicle. - किसी स्थान या वाहन में प्रवेश करना।
- Example: Hurry up and get in the car, or we'll be late for the movie.
157. Get into:
- Meaning: To become involved in something or develop an interest in it. - किसी चीज़ में शामिल होना या उसमें रुचि विकसित करना।
- Example: He decided to get into photography and bought a professional camera.
158. Get off:
- Meaning: To physically leave a vehicle or a mode of transportation. - किसी वाहन या परिवहन के साधन को भौतिक रूप से छोड़ना।
- Example: I'll get off the bus at the next stop.
159. Get on:
- Meaning: To board a vehicle or enter a mode of transportation. - किसी वाहन पर चढ़ना या परिवहन के किसी साधन में प्रवेश करना।
- Example: Let's get on the train before it departs.
160. Get out:
- Meaning: To exit or leave a place or situation. - किसी स्थान या स्थिति से बाहर निकलना या छोड़ना।
- Example: Get out of the car and stretch your legs.
161. Get over:
- Meaning: To recover from an illness, emotional distress, or a difficult situation. - किसी बीमारी, भावनात्मक संकट या कठिन परिस्थिति से उबरना।
- Example: It took her a while to get over the flu.
162. Get up:
- Meaning: To rise from a lying or seated position. - लेटने या बैठने की स्थिति से उठना।
- Example: I need to get up early tomorrow for work.
163. Go ahead:
- Meaning: To proceed or take action without hesitation. - बिना किसी हिचकिचाहट के आगे बढ़ना या कार्रवाई करना।
- Example: If you're ready, you can go ahead and start the presentation.
164. Go away:
- Meaning: To leave or depart from a place. - किसी स्थान से चले जाना या चले जाना।
- Example: Please go away and let me work in peace.
165. Go into:
- Meaning: To enter or investigate something in detail. - किसी बात को विस्तार से दर्ज करना या जांच करना।
- Example: The detective will go into the details of the case.
166. Go over:
- • Meaning: To review, examine, or discuss something in detail. - किसी बात की विस्तार से समीक्षा, परीक्षण या चर्चा करना।
- • Example: Sarah asked her colleague to go over the report before submitting it to the manager.
167. Go up:
- • Meaning: To increase, rise, or escalate. - बढ़ना, बढ़ना या बढ़ना।
- • Example: The price of gasoline has gone up significantly in the past month.
168. Go under:
- • Meaning: To go beneath or below something, often in a literal sense. - किसी चीज़ के नीचे या नीचे जाना, अक्सर शाब्दिक अर्थ में।
- • Example: The scuba divers went under the water to explore the coral reef.
169. Go through:
- • Meaning: To undergo or experience something, especially a difficult or challenging situation. - किसी चीज़ से गुजरना या अनुभव करना, विशेष रूप से कठिन या चुनौतीपूर्ण स्थिति।
- • Example: Mary had to go through a series of interviews before she got the job.
170. Grow into:
- • Meaning: To develop or mature into something or someone over time. - समय के साथ किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति के रूप में विकसित या परिपक्व होना।
- • Example: The small sapling grew into a magnificent oak tree over the years.
171. Grow on:
- • Meaning: To become more appealing, enjoyable, or likable with time or repeated exposure. - समय या बार-बार प्रदर्शन के साथ अधिक आकर्षक, आनंददायक या पसंद करने योग्य बनना।
- • Example: At first, I didn't like the new song, but it gradually grew on me, and now I can't stop listening to it.
172. Hand back:
- Meaning: Return something to its original owner or the appropriate person. - किसी चीज़ को उसके मूल मालिक या उपयुक्त व्यक्ति को लौटाना।
- Example: After reading the book, I hand it back to the library.
173. Hand down:
- Meaning: Pass or give something to someone in a lower position or younger generation. - किसी निचले पद या युवा पीढ़ी को कुछ देना या देना।
- Example: My grandmother handed down her antique jewelry to me.
174. Hack into:
- Meaning: Illegally gain access to a computer system or network. - अवैध रूप से किसी कंप्यूटर सिस्टम या नेटवर्क तक पहुंच प्राप्त करना।
- Example: The hacker managed to hack into the company's database and steal confidential information.
175. Hang around:
- Meaning: Spend time in a particular place without any specific purpose. - बिना किसी विशेष उद्देश्य के किसी विशेष स्थान पर समय बिताना।
- Example: We decided to hang around the park until our friends arrived.
176. Hang on:
- Meaning: Wait or hold on for a short period of time. - थोड़े समय के लिए रुकना या रुकना।
- Example: Hang on a second, I just need to grab my keys.
177. Have in:
- Meaning: Invite someone into your house or a particular place. - किसी को अपने घर या किसी विशेष स्थान पर आमंत्रित करें।
- Example: The host had us in for coffee and conversation.
178. Have off:
- Meaning: Take time off from work or school. - काम या स्कूल से छुट्टी लें।
- Example: I have tomorrow off, so I'm planning to relax at home.
179. Have on:
- Meaning: Wear clothing or accessories. - कपड़े या सहायक उपकरण पहनें।
- Example: She always has on a stylish outfit and matching accessories.
180. Head up:
- Meaning: To take charge or be in control of something. - किसी चीज़ का कार्यभार अपने हाथ में लेना या नियंत्रित करना।
- Example: John has been promoted to manager, and he will now head up the sales department.
181. Heat up:
- Meaning: To become warmer or increase in temperature. - गर्म होना या तापमान में वृद्धि होना।
- Example: As the sun rose higher, the temperature started to heat up, making it a perfect day for the beach.
182. Hit back:
- Meaning: To retaliate or respond aggressively to an attack or criticism. - किसी हमले या आलोचना का आक्रामक तरीके से जवाब देना या जवाब देना।
- Example: After being insulted by her coworker, Sarah decided to hit back with a witty remark.
183. Hit on:
- Meaning: To flirt with or make advances towards someone. - किसी के साथ फ़्लर्ट करना या उसकी ओर आगे बढ़ना।
- Example: John felt uncomfortable when his colleague hit on him at the office party.
184. Hold back:
- Meaning: To restrain or prevent someone or something from progressing or moving forward. - किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को आगे बढ़ने या आगे बढ़ने से रोकना या रोकना।
- Example: The police officer had to hold back the crowd from entering the restricted area.
185. Hold down:
- Meaning: To keep a job or position, especially despite difficulties or challenges. - किसी नौकरी या पद को बनाए रखना, विशेषकर कठिनाइयों या चुनौतियों के बावजूद।
- Example: Despite the company's financial struggles, Maria managed to hold down her position as the CFO.
186. Hold on:
- Meaning: To wait or remain in a position until a particular time or event. - किसी विशेष समय या घटना तक प्रतीक्षा करना या उसी स्थिति में बने रहना।
- Example: "Hold on," said the receptionist, "the doctor will be with you shortly."
187. Hold out:
- Meaning: To resist or continue to exist, often in difficult circumstances. - विरोध करना या अस्तित्व में बने रहना, अक्सर कठिन परिस्थितियों में।
- Example: The soldiers held out for weeks despite being outnumbered and surrounded by enemy forces.
188. Hold over:
- Meaning: To postpone or delay something. - किसी बात को टालना या विलम्ब करना।
- Example: The meeting was held over until next week due to a scheduling conflict.
189. Hole up:
- Meaning: To stay in a place and hide or take shelter. - एक स्थान पर रुकना और छिपना या आश्रय लेना।
- Example: The fugitive decided to hole up in a remote cabin to avoid capture.
190. Hunt out:
- Meaning: To search for and find something or someone. - किसी चीज़ या किसी व्यक्ति को खोजना और ढूंढना।
- Example: I need to hunt out my old college textbooks from the attic.
191. Hover around:
- Meaning: To stay near or linger around a place or person. - किसी स्थान या व्यक्ति के आसपास रहना या रहना।
- Example: The children hovered around the ice cream truck, waiting for their turn to order.
192. Hose down:
- Meaning: To spray or wash something using a hose or water. - नली या पानी का उपयोग करके किसी चीज़ को स्प्रे करना या धोना।
- Example: After gardening, I hosed down the patio to clean off the dirt.
193. Iron out:
- Meaning: To resolve or smooth out difficulties or problems. - कठिनाइयों या समस्याओं को सुलझाना या सुलझाना।
- Example: The negotiators worked late into the night to iron out the final details of the contract.
194. Issue forth:
- Meaning: To come out or emerge from a source. - किसी स्रोत से बाहर आना या उभरना।
- Example: Smoke and sparks issued forth from the chimney of the old factory.
195. Jack around:
- Meaning: To waste time or procrastinate, often in a lazy or unproductive manner. - समय बर्बाद करना या काम टालना, अक्सर आलसी या अनुत्पादक तरीके से।
- Example: "Stop jacking around and start working on your assignment!"
196. Jack up:
- Meaning: To raise or increase something, especially prices or rates. - किसी चीज़ को बढ़ाना या बढ़ाना, विशेषकर कीमतें या दरें।
- Example: "The company jacked up the prices of their products after the high demand."
197. Jam on:
- Meaning: To press or push something firmly or forcefully. - किसी चीज को मजबूती से या जोर से दबाना या धकेलना।
- Example: "She jammed on the brakes to avoid hitting the pedestrian."
198. Joke around:
- Meaning: To engage in playful or humorous behavior; to not be serious. - चंचल या विनोदी व्यवहार में संलग्न होना; गंभीर न होना.
- Example: "We often joke around with each other during our lunch break."
199. Juice up:
- Meaning: to make something more exciting, energetic, or powerful. - किसी चीज़ को अधिक रोमांचक, ऊर्जावान या शक्तिशाली बनाना।
- Example: "The DJ juiced up the crowd with some high-energy music."
200. Jump in:
- Meaning: To join or participate in something quickly. - किसी चीज में शीघ्र शामिल होना या भाग लेना।
- Example: "I saw my friends playing basketball and decided to jump in and join them."
201. Jump off:
- Meaning: To start or initiate something; to begin an action or process. - किसी चीज़ की शुरुआत या शुरुआत करना; कोई क्रिया या प्रक्रिया शुरू करना।
- Example: "The meeting will jump off with a brief introduction by the CEO."
202. Jump on:
- Meaning: To take immediate action or advantage of something. - किसी चीज़ पर तुरंत कार्रवाई करना या फ़ायदा उठाना।
- Example: "When the sale started, customers jumped on the opportunity to buy discounted items."
203. Keep at:
- Meaning: To continue doing something persistently or with determination. - लगातार या दृढ़ संकल्प के साथ कुछ करते रहना।
- Example: Despite facing numerous challenges, she kept at her studies and eventually graduated with honors.
204. Keep down:
- Meaning: To control or limit something, especially to prevent it from increasing. - किसी चीज़ को नियंत्रित या सीमित करना, विशेषकर उसे बढ़ने से रोकना।
- Example: The doctor advised him to keep down his intake of sugary foods to manage his diabetes.
205. Keep up:
- Meaning: To maintain the same pace or level; to not fall behind. - समान गति या स्तर बनाए रखना; पीछे न पड़ना.
- Example: The marathon runner trained hard to keep up with the leading pack.
206. Key on:
- Meaning: To focus or concentrate on something or someone. - किसी चीज़ या किसी व्यक्ति पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना या ध्यान केंद्रित करना।
- Example: The detective keyed on the suspect's nervous behavior during the interrogation.
207. Kick around:
- Meaning: To discuss or consider something informally. - अनौपचारिक रूप से किसी बात पर चर्चा करना या विचार करना।
- Example: Let's kick around some ideas for the project over lunch and see what we come up with.
208. Kick back:
- Meaning: To relax or take it easy; to recline. - आराम करना या आराम से लेना; झुकना.
- Example: After a long day at work, he kicked back on the sofa and watched his favorite TV show.
209. Kick off:
- Meaning: To start or begin something, especially an event or a game. - किसी चीज को शुरू करना या शुरू करना, खासकर कोई घटना या खेल।
- Example: The concert will kick off with an opening act followed by the main performance.
210. Knock about:
- Meaning: To move around without a specific aim or purpose. - बिना किसी विशेष उद्देश्य या उद्देश्य के इधर-उधर घूमना।
- Example: During his travels, he enjoyed knocking about different cities, exploring new neighborhoods.
211. Knock down:
- Meaning: To hit and cause someone or something to fall to the ground. - किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को मारकर जमीन पर गिरा देना।
- Example: The strong wind knocked down several trees in the neighborhood.
212. Knock out:
- Meaning: To render someone unconscious or defeat someone convincingly. - किसी को बेहोश करना या किसी को समझाकर परास्त करना।
- Example: The boxer delivered a powerful punch that knocked his opponent out in the first round.
213. Knock up:
- Meaning: To make someone pregnant or to create or produce something quickly or informally. - किसी को गर्भवती करना या जल्दी या अनौपचारिक रूप से कुछ बनाना या उत्पादन करना।
- Example: Sarah was surprised to learn that she had been knocked up during her trip to Europe.
214. Land in:
- Meaning: To arrive or end up in a particular place. - किसी विशेष स्थान पर पहुंचना या समाप्त होना।
- Example: After a long flight, we finally landed in Paris.
215. Lash out:
- Meaning: To suddenly and violently express anger or attack verbally or physically. - अचानक और हिंसक रूप से क्रोध व्यक्त करना या मौखिक या शारीरिक रूप से हमला करना।
- Example: The frustrated student lashed out at the teacher, shouting and throwing books.
216. Lay on:
- Meaning: To provide or organize something, usually food or transportation. - कुछ प्रदान करना या व्यवस्थित करना, आमतौर पर भोजन या परिवहन।
- Example: The host laid on a delicious buffet for the party guests.
217. Leak out:
- Meaning: To become known or be revealed, often information that was meant to be kept secret. - ज्ञात होना या प्रकट होना, अक्सर वह जानकारी जिसे गुप्त रखा जाना चाहिए।
- Example: News of the celebrity's engagement leaked out to the media before the official announcement.
218. Leap on:
- Meaning: To quickly and eagerly seize or attack someone or something. - किसी को या किसी चीज को जल्दी और उत्सुकता से पकड़ना या हमला करना।
- Example: The cat leaped on the mouse as soon as it scurried across the room.
219. Let on:
- Meaning: To reveal or disclose information or a secret - किसी जानकारी या रहस्य को प्रकट या प्रकट करना
- Example: I didn't want anyone to know about the surprise party, so I didn't let on that I had been planning it.
220. Let out:
- Meaning: To release or set free - मुक्त करना या आज़ाद करना
- Example: The teacher let the students out of class early because it was such a hot day.
221. Lie down:
- Meaning: To recline or rest in a horizontal position - क्षैतिज स्थिति में झुकना या आराम करना
- Example: After a long day at work, I like to lie down on the couch and relax.
222. Light up:
- Meaning: To illuminate or brighten - रोशन करना या रोशन करना
- Example: The fireworks lit up the night sky with brilliant colors.
223. Line up:
- Meaning: To form or organize in a straight line or queue - एक सीधी रेखा या कतार में बनाना या व्यवस्थित करना
- Example: The students were asked to line up outside the school before entering the assembly hall.
224. Live for:
- Meaning: To have a strong passion or desire for something - किसी चीज़ के लिए तीव्र जुनून या इच्छा रखना
- Example: Sarah lives for adventure and is always planning her next thrilling trip.
225. Live off:
- Meaning: To depend on someone or something for financial support or sustenance. - वित्तीय सहायता या जीविका के लिए किसी पर या किसी चीज पर निर्भर रहना
- Example: After losing his job, Mark had to live off his savings until he found a new one.
226. Live on:
- Meaning: To survive or subsist with a particular amount of money or resources. - एक विशेष मात्रा में धन या संसाधनों के साथ जीवित रहना या निर्वाह करना
- Example: With the high cost of living in the city, it's challenging to live on a minimum wage salary.
227. Live with:
- Meaning: To accept or tolerate a situation or person. - किसी स्थिति या व्यक्ति को स्वीकार करना या सहन करना।
- Example: "I didn't agree with their decision, but I had to live with it."
228. Load up:
- Meaning: To fill something or someone with a large quantity of something. - किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति को बड़ी मात्रा में किसी चीज़ से भरना।
- Example: "We need to load up the truck with supplies for the camping trip."
229 Lock in:
- Meaning: To secure or ensure a particular outcome or agreement. - किसी विशेष परिणाम या समझौते को सुरक्षित या सुनिश्चित करना।
- Example: "We need to lock in the deal before the end of the day."
230. Log in:
- Meaning: To enter a computer system or online account by providing the necessary credentials. - आवश्यक क्रेडेंशियल प्रदान करके किसी कंप्यूटर सिस्टम या ऑनलाइन खाते में प्रवेश करना।
- Example: "Please log in with your username and password to access your email."
231. Log out:
- Meaning: To exit or sign out of a computer system or online account. - किसी कंप्यूटर सिस्टम या ऑनलाइन खाते से बाहर निकलना या साइन आउट करना।
- Example: "Remember to log out of your social media accounts when using a public computer."
232. Look down:
- Meaning: To view someone or something with disdain or contempt. - किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को तिरस्कार या तिरस्कार की दृष्टि से देखना।
- Example: "He always looks down on people who didn't go to college."
233. Look for:
- Meaning: To search or seek something or someone. - किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति की खोज या खोज करना।
- Example: "I'm looking for my keys. Have you seen them anywhere?"
234. Look into:
- Meaning: To investigate or examine a matter more closely. - किसी मामले की अधिक बारीकी से जांच या जांच करना।
- Example: "The police will look into the suspicious activities reported in the neighborhood."
235. "Look through":
- Meaning: To examine or search something quickly or casually, often with the purpose of finding specific information. - अक्सर विशिष्ट जानकारी प्राप्त करने के उद्देश्य से, किसी चीज़ की त्वरित या आकस्मिक रूप से जांच या खोज करना।
- Example: Sarah asked her friend to look through the document and highlight any important points before the meeting.
- Example: I need to look through my notes to find the contact information for that client.
236. "Lose out":
- Meaning: To miss an opportunity or fail to gain something because of a particular reason or circumstance. - किसी अवसर को चूक जाना या किसी विशेष कारण या परिस्थिति के कारण कुछ हासिल करने में असफल होना।
- Example: Mark lost out on the promotion because he didn't meet the necessary qualifications.
- Example: If you don't submit your application by the deadline, you will lose out on the chance to win the scholarship.
237. Make for:
- Meaning: To move towards or in the direction of something or someone. - किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति की ओर या उसकी दिशा में बढ़ना।
- Example: The hikers made for the nearest shelter when the storm approached.
238. Make of:
- Meaning: To understand or form an opinion about something. - किसी बात को समझना या उसके बारे में राय बनाना।
- Example: I'm not sure what to make of his strange behavior at the party.
239. Make out:
- Meaning: To perceive or understand something, often with difficulty. - किसी चीज़ को समझना या समझना, अक्सर कठिनाई के साथ।
- Example: The writing on the sign was so small that I couldn't make out what it said.
240. Make over:
- Meaning: To renovate, transform, or change the appearance of something. - किसी चीज़ का नवीनीकरण, परिवर्तन या स्वरूप बदलना।
- Example: They made over the old warehouse into a trendy art gallery.
241. Make with:
- Meaning: To use or produce something as an ingredient or tool. - किसी चीज को एक घटक या उपकरण के रूप में उपयोग या उत्पादन करना।
- Example: The chef made an exquisite sauce with fresh herbs and spices.
242. Mark up:
- Meaning: To increase the price or value of something. - किसी चीज की कीमत या मूल्य बढ़ाना।
- Example: The retailer marked up the price of the product before putting it on sale.
243. Mash up:
- Meaning: To mix or combine elements from different sources or styles. - विभिन्न स्रोतों या शैलियों से तत्वों को मिलाना या संयोजित करना।
- Example: The DJ mashed up popular songs from the 80s and 90s at the party.
244. Meet with:
- Meaning: To have a meeting or encounter with someone. - किसी से मुलाकात या मुलाक़ात होना।
- Example: The sales team will meet with the potential clients tomorrow to discuss the proposal.
245. Mess around:
- Meaning: To behave in a silly, careless, or aimless manner. - मूर्खतापूर्ण, लापरवाह या लक्ष्यहीन तरीके से व्यवहार करना।
- Example: "Stop messing around and start studying for your exams!"
246. Mess up:
- Meaing: To make a mistake or ruin something. - गलती करना या कुछ बिगाड़ देना।
- Example: "I completely messed up the recipe by adding too much salt."
247. Miss out:
- Meaning: To fail to take advantage of an opportunity or experience. - किसी अवसर या अनुभव का लाभ उठाने में असफल होना।
- Example: "Don't miss out on the chance to see your favorite band perform live."
248. Mix up:
- Meaning: To confuse or mistake one thing or person for another. - किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति को भ्रमित करना या गलती से दूसरा समझ लेना।
- Example: "I mixed up the two identical-looking keys and accidentally locked myself out of the house."
249. Move in:
- Meaning: To start living in a new place. - किसी नये स्थान पर रहना प्रारम्भ करना।
- Example: "The new tenants will move in next week."
250. Move into:
- Meaning: To start living in a specific place or property. - किसी विशिष्ट स्थान या संपत्ति में रहना शुरू करना।
- Example: "They decided to move into a bigger apartment to accommodate their growing family."
251. Move on:
- Meaning: To progress or continue with one's life or activities after a particular event or situation. - किसी विशेष घटना या स्थिति के बाद अपने जीवन या गतिविधियों को आगे बढ़ाना या जारी रखना।
- Example: "After the breakup, she took some time to heal and then decided to move on with her life."
252. Mug up:
- Meaning: To study or revise something intensely. - किसी चीज़ का गहनता से अध्ययन या पुनरीक्षण करना।
- Example: I have an exam tomorrow, so I need to mug up all the important formulas tonight.
253. Mull over:
- Meaning: To think about or consider something carefully. - किसी बात पर ध्यानपूर्वक सोचना या विचार करना।
- Example: I'm not sure if I should accept the job offer. I need some time to mull it over before making a decision.
254. Nail down:
- Meaning: To finalize or secure something, especially an agreement or a specific detail. - किसी चीज़ को अंतिम रूप देना या सुरक्षित करना, विशेष रूप से किसी समझौते या किसी विशिष्ट विवरण को।
- Example: We need to nail down the terms of the contract before we can proceed with the project.
255. Nip out:
- Meaning: To quickly leave a place or go somewhere for a short time. - किसी स्थान को जल्दी से छोड़ देना या थोड़े समय के लिए कहीं चले जाना।
- Example: I'm just going to nip out to the store to grab some milk. I'll be back in a few minutes.
256. Nose out:
- Meaning: To discover or find something, especially through careful investigation or observation. - किसी चीज़ की खोज या खोज करना, विशेष रूप से सावधानीपूर्वक जांच या अवलोकन के माध्यम से।
- Example: The detective managed to nose out the hidden clue that led to the identity of the thief.
257. Nut out:
- Meaning: To solve or figure out a problem or a complex situation. - किसी समस्या या जटिल स्थिति को हल करना या उसका पता लगाना।
- Example: We need to sit down and nut out a plan to address the logistical challenges we're facing.
258. Open up:
- Meaning: To begin to talk freely and honestly, or to make something accessible or available. - खुलकर और ईमानदारी से बात करना शुरू करना, या किसी चीज़ को सुलभ या उपलब्ध कराना।
- Example: After a few drinks, he started to open up about his personal struggles and fears.
259. Opt into:
- Meaning: To choose or decide to participate in something or to be included in a particular group or system. - किसी चीज़ में भाग लेने या किसी विशेष समूह या प्रणाली में शामिल होने का चयन करना या निर्णय लेना।
- Example: If you're interested in receiving our newsletter, you can opt into our mailing list by providing your email address.
260. Own up:
- Meaning: To confess or admit something, especially when it is something you have done wrong. - किसी बात को कबूल करना या कबूल करना, खासकर जब यह कुछ ऐसा हो जो आपने गलत किया हो।
- Example: Sarah owned up to taking the last piece of cake from the fridge.
261. Pack in:
- Meaning: To quit or give up something, usually a habit or activity. - किसी चीज़ को छोड़ना या छोड़ देना, आमतौर पर एक आदत या गतिविधि।
- Example: After years of smoking, Mark finally packed in and decided to quit.
262. Pack up:
- Meaning: To stop working or functioning properly; to break down or fail. - काम करना या ठीक से काम करना बंद करना; टूटना या असफल होना।
- Example: My old car packed up on the way to the airport, so I had to call for a tow truck.
263. Pair off:
- Meaning: To form or join a couple or pair, usually for a specific activity or purpose. - आमतौर पर किसी विशिष्ट गतिविधि या उद्देश्य के लिए एक जोड़ी या जोड़ी बनाना या जोड़ना।
- Example: At the dance class, the instructor asked everyone to pair off and practice the new steps together.
264. Palm off:
- Meaning: To deceive or trick someone by giving them something of lower quality than expected. - किसी को उम्मीद से कम गुणवत्ता वाली कोई चीज़ देकर धोखा देना या धोखा देना।
- Example: The salesman tried to palm off the fake designer watch as an original.
265. Pare down:
- Meaning: To reduce or decrease the size, amount, or complexity of something. - किसी चीज़ के आकार, मात्रा या जटिलता को कम या कम करना।
- Example: The company had to pare down its expenses in order to stay within the budget.
266. Pass away:
- Meaning: To die or to stop living. - मर जाना या जीना छोड़ देना।
- Example: Sadly, my grandmother passed away last night after a long illness.
267. Pass by:
- Meaning: To go past or move past something or someone. - किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति के आगे से गुज़रना या आगे बढ़ना।
- Example: As I was walking in the park, I saw a deer pass by in the distance.
268. Pass on:
- Meaning: To transmit or transfer something to someone else, or to share information or a message. - किसी चीज़ को किसी और तक पहुंचाना या स्थानांतरित करना, या जानकारी या संदेश साझा करना।
- Example: Sarah passed on the news about the party to all her friends.
269. Pass over:
- Meaning: To ignore or disregard something or someone, often intentionally. - अक्सर जानबूझकर किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति की उपेक्षा या उपेक्षा करना।
- Example: The manager decided to pass over Jim for the promotion.
270. Pass through:
- Meaning: To go or travel through a place or region. - किसी स्थान या क्षेत्र में जाना या यात्रा करना।
- Example: We passed through several small towns on our road trip.
271. Pat down:
- Meaning: To search someone by lightly touching their clothing or body to check for hidden items or weapons. - छिपी हुई वस्तुओं या हथियारों की जांच करने के लिए किसी के कपड़ों या शरीर को हल्के से छूकर उसकी तलाशी लेना।
- Example: The security guard patted down each passenger before allowing them to enter the concert venue.
272. Pay back:
- Meaning: To repay someone money that is owed, or to retaliate or seek revenge. - किसी का बकाया पैसा चुकाना, या प्रतिशोध लेना या बदला लेना।
- Example: I need to pay back the money I borrowed from my friend last week.
273. Pay off:
- Meaning 1: To repay a debt or loan completely. - किसी कर्ज़ या कर्ज़ को पूरा चुकाना।
- Example: After years of hard work, I finally paid off my student loans.
- Meaning 2: To result in a successful outcome or achieve the desired result. - सफल परिणाम प्राप्त करना या वांछित परिणाम प्राप्त करना।
- Example: All the time and effort I put into studying paid off when I got accepted into my dream university.
274. Peel out:
- Meaning: To accelerate a vehicle suddenly and quickly, causing the tires to lose traction and make a screeching noise. - किसी वाहन को अचानक और तेज़ी से तेज़ करना, जिससे टायर पकड़ खो देते हैं और तेज़ आवाज़ करते हैं।
- Example: The car peeled out of the parking lot, leaving behind a trail of smoke.
275. Pick on:
- Meaning: To single out or target someone for criticism, teasing, or unfair treatment. - आलोचना, चिढ़ाने या अनुचित व्यवहार के लिए किसी को अकेला करना या निशाना बनाना।
- Example: The teacher always picks on me in class and never gives me a chance to answer the questions.
276. Plant out:
- Meaning: To transplant or transfer a young plant from a container to the ground. - एक युवा पौधे को एक कंटेनर से जमीन पर रोपना या स्थानांतरित करना।
- Example: I planted out the seedlings in the garden after they had grown strong enough in the nursery.
277. Pop in:
- Meaning: To visit someone briefly and unexpectedly. - किसी से संक्षिप्त और अप्रत्याशित रूप से मिलना।
- Example: Feel free to pop in anytime you're in the neighborhood. I'm usually home in the evenings.
278. Put away:
- Meaning 1: To tidy up or store something in its proper place. - किसी चीज़ को उसके उचित स्थान पर व्यवस्थित करना या संग्रहित करना।
- Example: Please put away your toys before dinner.
- Meaning 2: To consume a large amount of food or drink. - बहुत अधिक मात्रा में भोजन या पेय का सेवन करना।
- Example: I was so hungry after the game that I put away a whole pizza by myself.
279. Put in:
- Meaning 1: To insert or install something. - कुछ डालना या स्थापित करना।
- Example: I need to put in a new light bulb because the old one burned out.
- Meaning 2: To make an effort or invest time into a task or activity. - किसी कार्य या गतिविधि में प्रयास करना या समय लगाना।
- Example: She put in a lot of hours studying for the exam and managed to get an A.
280. Put on:
- Meaning 1: To dress oneself in clothes or accessories. - अपने आप को कपड़े या सहायक उपकरण पहनना।
- Example: I need to put on my coat before we go outside; it's cold.
- Meaning 2: To organize or perform an event, such as a play, concert, or exhibition. - किसी कार्यक्रम का आयोजन या प्रदर्शन करना, जैसे कोई नाटक, संगीत कार्यक्रम या प्रदर्शनी।
- Example: The theater company is putting on a production of Romeo and Juliet next month.
281. Put out:
- Meaning 1: To extinguish a fire or a flame. - आग या ज्वाला को बुझाना।
- Example: He quickly put out the small kitchen fire with a fire extinguisher.
- Meaning 2: To inconvenience or bother someone. - किसी को असुविधा पहुंचाना या परेशान करना।
- Example: I hope I'm not putting you out, but could you lend me some money until payday?
282. Put up:
- Meaning: To accommodate someone or something; to provide lodging or temporary housing. - किसी को या किसी चीज़ को समायोजित करना; आवास या अस्थायी आवास प्रदान करना।
- Example: "My sister is coming to visit, so I need to put her up for a few nights."
- Example: "The hotel was fully booked, so they put us up in a nearby guesthouse."
283. Quarrel out:
- Meaning: To resolve or settle a quarrel or argument through discussion or negotiation. - किसी झगड़े या बहस को चर्चा या बातचीत के माध्यम से सुलझाना या निपटाना।
- Example: "They had a heated argument, but eventually they quarreled it out and reached a compromise."
- Example: "Instead of shouting at each other, let's sit down and quarrel out our differences."
284. Quit on:
- Meaning: To give up or abandon something or someone; to stop working on or supporting something. - किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति को त्यागना या छोड़ देना; किसी चीज़ पर काम करना या उसका समर्थन करना बंद करना।
- Example: "He quit on his dreams of becoming an artist and settled for a corporate job."
- Example: "The team was losing the match, but they didn't quit on each other and managed to turn it around."
- Example: "I can't believe he quit on his friends when they needed him the most."
285. Rat on:
- Meaning: To betray or inform on someone to the authorities. - किसी के साथ विश्वासघात करना या उसके बारे में अधिकारियों को सूचित करना।
- Example: John ratted on his friends and told the police about their illegal activities.
286. Reach out to:
- Meaning: To make contact or communicate with someone, often to offer help or support. - किसी से संपर्क करना या संवाद करना, अक्सर मदद या समर्थन की पेशकश करना।
- Example: Sarah reached out to her old friend for advice on starting a new business.
287. Read out:
- Meaning: To read something aloud. - किसी चीज़ को ज़ोर से पढ़ना।
- Example: The teacher asked the student to read out the passage from the textbook.
288. Ride on:
- Meaning: To rely on or take advantage of a situation or someone's help. - किसी स्थिति या किसी की मदद पर भरोसा करना या उसका फायदा उठाना।
- Example: His success in the competition rode on his ability to perform well in the final round.
289. Ring in:
- Meaning: To celebrate the arrival of something, typically a new year or an event, by ringing bells or making noise. - किसी चीज़ के आगमन का जश्न मनाना, विशेष रूप से नए साल या किसी कार्यक्रम के आगमन पर, घंटियाँ बजाकर या शोर मचाकर।
- Example: We rang in the New Year with fireworks and music.
290. Roll in:
- Meaning: To arrive in large numbers or quantities. - बड़ी संख्या या मात्रा में आना।
- Example: The donations started to roll in after the charity organization's plea for help went viral.
291. Root for:
- Meaning: To support or cheer for someone or something. - किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु का समर्थन करना या उसकी जय-जयकार करना।
- Example: The crowd was rooting for their favorite team during the soccer match.
292. Run after:
- Meaning: To chase or pursue someone or something. - किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु का पीछा करना या उसका पीछा करना।
- Example: The little girl ran after her dog when it escaped from the backyard.
293. Run into:
- Meaning: To encounter someone or something unexpectedly. - किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु से अप्रत्याशित रूप से सामना होना।
- Example: I ran into my old friend at the grocery store yesterday.
294. Rush away:
- Meaning: To leave or depart quickly, often in a hurry. - जल्दी से चले जाना या चले जाना, अक्सर जल्दी में।
- Example: He rushed away from the meeting to catch his flight.
295. Rush out:
- Meaning: To leave quickly or abruptly, usually to attend to something urgent. - जल्दी या अचानक चले जाना, आमतौर पर किसी जरूरी काम को निपटाने के लिए।
- Example: She rushed out of the house without even saying goodbye.
296. Sail into:
- Meaning: To attack or criticize someone vehemently. - किसी पर जोरदार हमला करना या उसकी आलोचना करना।
- Example: The manager sailed into the employees for their lack of productivity.
297. See off:
- Meaning: To say goodbye to someone who is leaving and be there until they depart. - किसी जाने वाले को अलविदा कहना और उनके जाने तक वहीं रहना।
- Example: We went to the airport to see off our relatives who were returning home.
298. See through:
- Meaning: To support or help someone until the end of a difficult situation. - किसी कठिन परिस्थिति के अंत तक किसी का समर्थन या सहायता करना।
- Example: She saw him through his recovery after the accident.
299. See to:
- Meaning: To take care of or attend to something or someone. - किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति की देखभाल करना या उसमें भाग लेना।
- Example: I need to see to these emails before I leave the office.
300. Send for:
- Meaning: To request someone's presence or ask them to come. - किसी की उपस्थिति का अनुरोध करना या उन्हें आने के लिए कहना।
- Example: We had to send for a plumber to fix the leaking pipe.
301. Set about:
- Meaning: To start or begin doing something. - किसी काम को शुरू करना या आरंभ करना।
- Example: I need to set about cleaning the house before the guests arrive.
302. Set out:
- Meaning: To start a journey or a task with a particular goal in mind. - किसी विशेष लक्ष्य को ध्यान में रखकर कोई यात्रा या कार्य प्रारंभ करना।
- Example: We set out on our road trip early in the morning.
303. Shoot for:
- Meaning: To aim for or pursue a specific target or goal. - किसी विशिष्ट लक्ष्य या लक्ष्य को लक्ष्य करना या उसका पीछा करना।
- Example: She's shooting for a promotion at work this year.
304. Shut away:
- Meaning: To confine or isolate someone or something in a closed or secluded place. - किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को किसी बंद या एकांत स्थान पर कैद या अलग-थलग करना।
- Example: The old books were shut away in the dusty attic.
305. Sit on:
- Meaning: To delay or hold back information or action. - सूचना या कार्रवाई में देरी करना या रोकना।
- Example: The committee decided to sit on the decision until they had more information.
306. Sleep on:
- Meaning: To delay making a decision until the next day or a later time. - किसी निर्णय को अगले दिन या उसके बाद तक टालना।
- Example: I'm not sure if I should accept the job offer. I think I'll sleep on it and decide tomorrow.
307. Slow down:
- Meaning: To reduce speed or pace. - गति या गति को कम करना।
- Example: The driver was asked to slow down as he was exceeding the speed limit.
308. Start on:
- Meaning: To begin working on or engaging in a task or activity. - किसी कार्य या गतिविधि पर काम शुरू करना या उसमें शामिल होना।
- Example: I need to start on my research paper tonight.
309. Start up:
- Meaning: To begin or launch a business or project. - किसी व्यवसाय या परियोजना को शुरू करना या लॉन्च करना।
- Example: They started up a tech company that specializes in mobile app development.
310. String out:
- Meaning: To prolong or extend something, often in a tedious or drawn-out manner. - किसी चीज़ को लम्बा खींचना या बढ़ाना, अक्सर थकाऊ या खींचे हुए तरीके से।
- Example: The negotiations were stringing out for weeks without reaching a resolution.
311. Tack on:
- Meaning: To add something quickly or informally. - जल्दी या अनौपचारिक रूप से कुछ जोड़ना।
- Example: The speaker tacked on an extra point at the end of his presentation.
312. Take aside:
- Meaning: To separate or move someone to a different location for a private conversation or discussion. - निजी बातचीत या चर्चा के लिए किसी को अलग करना या किसी दूसरे स्थान पर ले जाना।
- Example: The manager took the employee aside to discuss his recent performance.
313. Take in:
- Meaning 1: To understand or comprehend something. - किसी बात को समझना या बूझना।
- Example: It took a while for him to take in the complex instructions.
- Meaning 2: to deceive or trick someone. - किसी को धोखा देना या धोखा देना।
- Example: The scam artist took in several unsuspecting victims with his convincing story.
314. Take off:
- Meaning 1: To leave the ground (in the case of an aircraft). - ज़मीन छोड़ना (विमान के मामले में)।
- Example: The plane took off smoothly and headed towards its destination.
- Meaning 2: to become successful or popular quickly. - शीघ्र सफल या लोकप्रिय हो जाना।
- Example: The new social media app took off within weeks of its launch.
315. Take out:
- Meaning 1: To remove something or someone from a place. - किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति को किसी स्थान से हटाना।
- Example: She took out her wallet to pay for the groceries.
- Meaning 2: to get food from a restaurant or fast food establishment to eat elsewhere. - किसी रेस्तरां या फास्ट फूड प्रतिष्ठान से कहीं और खाने के लिए खाना प्राप्त करना।
- Example: Let's take out some pizza for dinner tonight.
316. Tear down:
- Meaning: To demolish or dismantle a structure or object. - किसी संरचना या वस्तु को ध्वस्त या खंडित करना।
- Example: They decided to tear down the old building and construct a modern apartment complex in its place.
317. Throw away:
- Meaning: To discard or get rid of something. - किसी चीज़ को त्यागना या उससे छुटकारा पाना।
- Example: I need to throw away these old magazines.
318. Throw out:
- Meaning: To dispose of something or reject something. - किसी चीज़ का निपटान करना या किसी चीज़ को अस्वीकार करना।
- Example: The teacher decided to throw out all the incorrect answers.
319. Tie in:
- Meaning: To connect or relate something to another thing. - किसी चीज़ को दूसरी चीज़ से जोड़ना या जोड़ना।
- Example: The new evidence ties in perfectly with the previous theory.
320. Touch on:
- Meaning: To briefly mention or discuss a topic. - किसी विषय का संक्षेप में उल्लेख या चर्चा करना।
- Example: The speaker touched on the importance of teamwork in his presentation.
321. Trade up:
- Meaning: To exchange something for a better or more valuable item. - किसी बेहतर या अधिक मूल्यवान वस्तु के बदले विनिमय करना।
- Example: He decided to trade up his old car for a brand new one.
322. Turn on:
- Meaning: To switch on or activate something. - किसी चीज़ को चालू या सक्रिय करना।
- Example: Can you please turn on the lights?
323. Turn up:
- Meaning: To arrive or appear, often unexpectedly. - अक्सर अप्रत्याशित रूप से आना या प्रकट होना।
- Example: She didn't expect him to turn up at the party.
324. Type out:
- Meaning: To write or enter something using a keyboard or typewriter. - कीबोर्ड या टाइपराइटर का उपयोग करके कुछ लिखना या दर्ज करना।
- Example: I'll type out the report and send it to you by email.
325. Urge on:
- Meaning: To encourage or push someone to do something. - किसी को कुछ करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करना या प्रेरित करना।
- Example: "John's friends urged him on to participate in the marathon."
326. Use up:
- Meaning: To consume or exhaust completely. - पूरी तरह से ख़त्म कर देना या ख़त्म कर देना।
- Example: "She used up all her savings on the vacation."
327. Vacuum up:
- Meaning: To clean or remove something by using a vacuum cleaner. - म क्लीनर का उपयोग करके किसी चीज़ को साफ़ करना या हटाना।
- Example: "Please vacuum up the spilled cereal on the floor."
328. Veg out:
- Meaning: To relax or spend time doing nothing or engaging in unproductive activities. - आराम करना या कुछ न करने या अनुत्पादक गतिविधियों में समय बिताना।
- Example: "After a long week at work, I just want to veg out in front of the TV."
329. Wade in:
- Meaning: To join or get involved in a situation, often without thinking or hesitating. - अक्सर बिना सोचे-समझे या झिझक के किसी स्थिति में शामिल होना या शामिल होना।
- Example: "Sarah waded in the argument without knowing the full story."
330. Wait about:
- Meaning: To wait somewhere without a specific purpose or for someone/something to happen. - बिना किसी विशेष उद्देश्य के या किसी/कुछ के घटित होने की प्रतीक्षा करना।
- Example: "We had to wait about in the lobby until our meeting time."
331. Wait around:
- Meaning: To remain in a place, usually idly, until someone/something arrives or happens. - जब तक कोई/कोई चीज न आ जाए या घटित न हो जाए, तब तक एक स्थान पर, आमतौर पर खाली बैठे रहना।
- Example: "The bus was late, so we had to wait around at the bus stop."
332. Wait on (someone/something):
- Meaning: To serve or attend to someone or something. - किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु की सेवा करना या उसकी सेवा करना।
- Example: The waiter was polite and attentive, always ready to wait on the customers.
333. Wait upon (someone/something):
- Meaning: To serve or attend to someone or something in a formal or official capacity. - औपचारिक या आधिकारिक क्षमता में किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु की सेवा करना या उसमें भाग लेना।
- Example: The butler waited upon the distinguished guests at the ambassador's reception.
334. Walk away:
- Meaning: To leave a place or situation without looking back or continuing with it. - किसी स्थान या स्थिति को बिना पीछे देखे या जारी रखे छोड़ देना।
- Example: After a heated argument, she decided it was best to walk away and cool off.
335. Warm up:
- Meaning: To increase in temperature or make something increase in temperature. - तापमान में वृद्धि करना या तापमान में कुछ वृद्धि करना।
- Example: The sun came out, and the day started to warm up, melting the snow.
336. Want out:
- Meaning: To desire to leave a particular situation or arrangement. - किसी विशेष स्थिति या व्यवस्था को छोड़ने की इच्छा करना।
- Example: After years of working in a corporate environment, she decided she wanted out and started her own business.
337. Wash over:
- Meaning: To affect or cover someone or something as if by washing or flowing over them. - किसी को या किसी चीज़ को प्रभावित या ढकना जैसे कि उन्हें धोना या उनके ऊपर प्रवाहित करना।
- Example: A feeling of relief washed over her when she heard the good news.
338. Wave down:
- Meaning: To signal to someone or something by making a waving motion with your hand. - अपने हाथ से हिलाकर किसी को या वस्तु को संकेत देना।
- Example: We were lost, so we waved down a passing taxi to ask for directions.
339. Wear out:
- Meaning: To become or cause something to become worn, exhausted, or unusable due to excessive use. - अत्यधिक उपयोग के कारण कोई चीज घिसी-पिटी, समाप्त या अनुपयोगी हो जाना या हो जाना।
- Example: He wore out his favorite pair of shoes by running long distances every day.
340. Whip out:
- Meaning: To quickly take out or produce something. - किसी वस्तु को शीघ्रता से निकालना या उत्पन्न करना।
- Example: The magician whipped out a deck of cards and began performing tricks.
341. Wind up:
- Meaning: To finish or conclude something; to find oneself in a particular situation unexpectedly. - किसी बात को समाप्त या समाप्त करना; अपने आप को अप्रत्याशित रूप से किसी विशेष स्थिति में पाना।
- Example 1: We need to wind up the meeting by 5 p.m.
- Example 2: He took a wrong turn and ended up winding up in a remote village.
342. Wise up:
- Meaning: To become more knowledgeable or aware of something. - किसी चीज़ के बारे में अधिक जानकार या जागरूक बनना।
- Example: After failing the test, he finally wised up and started studying harder.
343. Work through:
- Meaning: To deal with or overcome a problem or difficulty. - किसी समस्या या कठिनाई से निपटना या उस पर काबू पाना।
- Example: They decided to work through their differences and find a solution.
344. Zero out:
- Meaning: To reduce or eliminate something completely. - किसी चीज़ को पूरी तरह से कम करना या ख़त्म करना।
- Example: She managed to zero out her credit card debt by budgeting and saving.
345. Zip up:
- Meaning: To close or fasten a zipper on clothing or a bag. - कपड़े या बैग पर ज़िपर बंद करना या बांधना।
- Example: She zipped up her jacket to keep warm in the cold weather.
346. Zone out:
- Meaning: To become mentally disengaged or lose concentration. - मानसिक रूप से विक्षिप्त हो जाना या एकाग्रता खो देना।
- Example: During the long lecture, I zoned out and started daydreaming.
347. Zoom in:
- Meaning: To focus or magnify on a specific subject or detail. - किसी विशिष्ट विषय या विवरण पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना या बढ़ाना।
- Example: The camera zoomed in on the athlete's face as he crossed the finish line.
348. Zoom out:
- Meaning: To widen the field of view or perspective. - दृष्टि या परिप्रेक्ष्य के क्षेत्र को विस्तृत करना।
- Example: The camera zoomed out to capture the entire landscape.